
Olivia – Elegant, Powerful Cloud Music Player For Linux

Last Updated on September 26, 2020


Olivia offers integration with YouTube, allowing you to search for songs and add them to the play queue, browse trending YouTube music with the ability to change the country, and more.

The image below shows YouTube functionality in action. Sure you can access the YouTube material from any web browser and lots of other software (e.g. the wonderful youtube-dl).

Olivia plays only the audio of YouTube streams, which saves data bandwidth (particularly important if you have a slow net connection, limited free data allowance, or pay per GB).

Olivia - YouTube

I find the above colors to be much more attractive than the default. The Settings section covers customization options available in the software.

There’s no support for importing public YouTube playlists.

Next page: Page 4 – Internet Radio

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – YouTube
Page 4 – Internet Radio
Page 5 – Other Features
Page 6 – Settings
Page 7 – Summary

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