24 Peachy Free Linux Games (Part 4 of 4)

Last Updated on February 26, 2018

Linux has an ever-expanding library of free games, many of which are released under an open source license. Many titles are still in an early stage of development. Even relatively simple games can take several years to mature especially if there isn’t a team of developers on board. However, a game should not be discounted simply because it isn’t fully completed.

The purpose of this article is to focus on free Linux games that garner very little attention, certainly far less than any of the commercial counterparts on Steam. All of the games featured here are worth downloading. Whilst some may lack some polish and finesse of their commercial brethren, they are still good fun to play.

To be eligible for inclusion in this list each game needed to meet the following requirements:

  • Free to play (no download charge, no monthly charge)
  • Does not require Wine to run. Wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows software
  • ‘Must be playable and great fun

This article is the final instalment in a four part series, identifying free games that are worth giving a whirl. As games are a matter of taste, we have again tried to cover a wide range of game genres. Hopefully there will be something in this article which will be of interest to any type of gamer.

Now, let’s scrutinize the 6 games at hand. For each game we have compiled its own portal page, providing screenshots of the game in action, a full description of the game, with an in-depth analysis of the features of the game, together with links to relevant resources and reviews.

Peachy Games
Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of AscendancyTopdown tactical RPG roguelike game
Dead CyborgAtmospheric first person view sci-fi 3D adventure game
Turtle ArenaThird-person action game
Sqrxz 3Jump'n'Run which will please the hardcore gamer
RE:Alistair++Video game that is targeted towards a female market
Project OneVertically scrolling boss-only shoot'em up
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