
Pragha Music Player – GTK+3 lightweight music player

Last Updated on August 11, 2021


Pragha Music Player is a distinguished and resplendent open source music player. There’s a good range of features, it’s frugal on system resource including memory, and offers full integration of GTK+3, but independent of any specific desktop environment.

Sadly there’s no support for gapless playback. There was an attempt to add this functionality, but it was discarded along the way.

Recently added features include favorites as a playlist, and syncing favorites with Koel and Last.Fm.

Support: Wiki, GitHub Code Repository
Developer: Matias De Lellis
License: GNU General Public License v3.0 or later

Pragha Music Player is written in C. Learn C with our recommended free books and free tutorials.

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Other Features
Page 4 – Summary

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6 years ago

Another lightweight suggestion with a lot of versatility: Deadbeef. Uses less memory, too.

George Crespo
George Crespo
6 years ago
Reply to  Adam
Jimmy Ratcliffe
Jimmy Ratcliffe
6 years ago
Reply to  Adam

DeaDBeeF is abandoned. Last release was 2016.

Edward Grimley
Edward Grimley
6 years ago

“DLNA Renderer: Play music of a DLNA server.”

Wow! One of the few music organizers/players to be able to play files from a DLNA server.

On a home network, I do not know why one would not want this feature. Deadbeef does not have it, and the only other GTK one that does that I can think of is Rhythmbox whose development has been very patchy to over the last 3 years, but as the first release in 3 years has just been made in January, perphaps a review of the new v3.4 will be forthcoming.

Edward Grimley
Edward Grimley
6 years ago

OOPS, I should have checked the contents of the directories at
Somebody just updated the link in January 2019 for “newest” release pointing to v3.4 of Rhythmbox (thereby updating the date on the directory) which was released in August 2016 — no new release in 2.5 years.

Jimmy Ratcliffe
Jimmy Ratcliffe
6 years ago
Reply to  Edward Grimley

Indeed. Rhythmbox 3.4.2 was released in October 2017, 3.4.3 in January 2019. The changes applied to 3.4.2 and 3.4.3 were mainly internationalization fixes only. Rhythmbox is essentially moribund.