
QMPlay2 – Qt based video and audio player

Last Updated on February 21, 2023

Widgets – YouTube

This widget lets you stream YouTube material without needing to use a web browser. The best utility to download media from YouTube is the much coveted console based youtube-dl. QMPlay2 uses this tool only when necessary.

Here’s the integrated YouTube browser in action. You can search by the title of the video, see which user uploads the video, load YouTube playlists, sort by date, watch 360° movies, and watch 60FPS up to 8K movies. There are presets to filter HD video including 1080p, 1440p, and 2160p.


Accessing Settings / Modules / Extensions lets you set the priority of the default video and audio quality.

The YouTube browser is one of the weakest areas of the software. Its design lends itself towards playing music, rather than following YouTube celebrities and watching their latest content which is probably the raison d’être for most YouTube users.

Widgets – Internet Radio

I’ve looked at a few dedicated internet radio streaming software including the open source Shortwave, and the closed-source but glorious odio. Like these applications, QMPlay2 takes its radio stations from www.radio-browser.info.

QMPlay2’s interface is basic compared to odio’s snazzy and beautifully engineered interface. There’s a radio browser to help you find stations, as well as a defined list, which mostly comprises Polish stations (shown below).


You can load and save radio station lists which are stored in QMPlay2 format. I like that the software offers the ability to record radio streams.

You can use this widget to watch some TV streaming sites. Here’s BBC One in action.


Next page: Page 4 – Widgets: Playlist, Lyrics, MediaBrowser

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Widgets: YouTube, Internet Radio
Page 4 – Widgets: Playlist, Lyrics, MediaBrowser
Page 5 – Widgets: Graphic Equalizer, Information, Visualization, Downloader
Page 6 – Other Features
Page 7 – Memory Comparison
Page 8 – Summary

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Monika Karanjkar
Monika Karanjkar
5 years ago

Hello Thanks for sharing project. However, can you update ReadMe to build code in QT windows and run. Cannot see .pro file