Review: Bad Voltage – a smorgasbord of podcasting

Last Updated on July 6, 2021

Bad Voltage Blurb

Every two weeks Bad Voltage delivers an amusing take on technology, Open Source, politics, music, and anything else we think is interesting, as well as interviews and reviews. The show is presented by Jono Bacon, Jeremy Garcia, and Stuart Langridge.

About the Show

This fortnightly podcast is an eclectic mix of technology related topics with some mainstream news. Shows come across as unscripted and spontaneous.

It’s not a family-friendly show, as there’s some borderline language.

There are show notes available on Bad Voltage’s web site, but they’re a bit of a jumble.

Things tend to go off base when a discussion moves away from technology. For example, in show 2 x 35 Jono discusses how digital stuff is handled upon an owner’s death. The discussion tends to the position of someone dying intestate (without a valid will). Jono says there are rules in place in this scenario (correct – the laws of intestacy), he says everything goes to the surviving spouse, but that’s not necessarily true. And the statement “It’s like if she got the house and you (the deceased) had the only door key and you were buried with it, she couldn’t get in”, is one of the worst analogies about physical and digital legacies. The surviving spouse would hire a locksmith.

About the Hosts

Jono Bacon is a writer and software engineer. He’s the author of five books including The Art of Community, Official Ubuntu Book, Linux Desktop Hacks, and has written for a variety of publications, including Linux Format, Linux Magazine, Linux User and Developer, MacTech, MacFormat and PC Plus.

Jeremy Garcia is a writer, podcaster, speaker and founder of Jeremy’s also the Open Source Programs Lead at Datadog, and a community moderator at

Stuart Langridge is a web consultant and custom developer. He’s a member of the Web Standards Project’s DOM Scripting Task Force. He also runs, a weblog which touches on DOM scripting and Linux.
LengthAbout an hour
FormatsOgg, MP3, YouTube
First Show24 October 2013
License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license
What do we think of this podcast?
Content5 out of 10 rating
Conversational9 out of 10 rating
Engaging7 out of 10 rating
Verdict:One of the best conversational podcasts that's Linux related, but it's a bit thin in content. The presenters are heavyweights in their field, and have strong opinions. While discussions sometimes descend into a verbal fight, there's some great badinage. Just like sitting with your mates in the pub. The politics is best redirected to /dev/null though.

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