Review: Hacker Public Radio – podcasts from the hacker community

Last Updated on July 6, 2021

Hacker Public Radio


Hacker Public Radio is a podcast that releases shows every weekday Monday through Friday. Our shows are produced by the community (you) and can be on any topic that are of interest to hackers and hobbyists.

About the Show

Hacker Public Radio (HPR) is an Internet Radio show (podcast) that releases shows every weekday Monday through Friday. Besides the frequency of the podcast, another distinguishing feature of HPR is that it is a community-produced podcast. There have been more than 2,600 shows produced. Certainly the most frequent Linux-related podcast by a country mile.

Many of the HPR shows focus on open source projects, but there are some episodes that are dedicated to Linux. The topics covered range from a general geeky conversation, to living in Emacs, to just trying to survive in modern society. The only requirement is that the episode is interesting to fellow hackers. The diverse range of presenters helps keep the show fresh. There are tutorials, reviews, interviews; a good mix.

Some of the shows are not family-friendly.

About the Hosts

This is a community-produced podcast with way too many hosts to list.
LengthNo restrictions, they last as long as the community presenter wants
FormatsOgg, Speex, and MP3
First Show31 December 2007
LicenseCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Unported license
What do we think of this podcast?
Content5 out of 10 rating
Conversational5 out of 10 rating
Engaging5 out of 10 rating
Verdict:This is definitely the hardest podcast to give a reliable rating. Sampling 50 shows is a bit like visiting GitHub and picking 50 random repositories. There's no quality control, there's some gems, but there's content which is uninteresting or frankly pure garbage. That's much how Hacker Public Radio works. Shows from Klaatu, bash scripting from Dave Morriss, and many others are worth a listen for Linux enthusiasts. If you're not sure where to start, check out their In-Depth Series section.

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