Review: mintCast – podcast for Linux users

Last Updated on July 6, 2021

mintCast Blurb

This is mintCast, the podcast by the Linux Mint community for all users of Linux. We record every other week on Sunday afternoons.

It’s hard to see how this podcast can be accurately described as “by the Linux Mint community”. Maybe it’s tagline should be “This is mintCast, the podcast by two knowledgeable Linux users…”, as how can a podcast really speak or represent what is essential a nebulous concept?

About the Show

mintCast is a fortnightly podcast that live streams their shows.

Shows cover a wide spectrum of topics, many episodes have heaps of Linux relevant material, but there’s still plenty of material not related to Linux, with a mix of some zany and wacky material. The hosts share what they have been up to, spend time talking about Linux related news, and also regularly give coverage to listener feedback.

The podcast doesn’t carry advertisements.

The mintCast website hosts show notes for each episode. Given the length of each show, the show notes are very useful in identifying episodes that cover areas which might be particularly interesting.

About the Hosts

Rob Hawkins describes himself as a Christian, Grandpa, RPG player, and a geek since long before it was fashionable. An engineer by education, a Texan by choice, a Canadian by birth. Rob considers himself to be a pragmatist with the view that open source and proprietary software each have their place. Rob dabbles in programming from time-to-time. His first personal computer was a Radio Shack Color Computer.

Isaac Carter is a software engineer who these days focuses on front-end development using AngularJS, JavaScript, LeafletJS, and Vim. He contributes to Cinnamon, a free and open-source desktop environment featuring a traditional layout, built from modern technology and new innovative features. He was a co-host of the podfaded The Pi Podcast, which ran for a year.
LengthAbout 90 minutes
FormatsOgg, MP3
First Show24 November 2008
LicenseCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
What do we think of this podcast?
Content6 out of 10 rating
Conversational7 out of 10 rating
Engaging4 out of 10 rating
Verdict:There's lots of goodness in each show, and if you like slow-paced shows, this podcast might float your boat. But from our perspective, the presenters' style is a bit dry, laboured, and monotonous. Frankly it's rather mundane at times. Probably harsh criticism, particularly as they have 13k Twitter followers, but we don't like to sit on the fence. Your experience may differ. What do you think?

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