Review: Open Source Security Podcast – security with an open source slant

Last Updated on July 6, 2021

Open Source Security Podcast Blurb

A security podcast geared towards those looking to better understand security topics of the day. Hosted by Kurt Seifried and Josh Bressers covering a wide range of topics including IoT, application security, operational security, cloud, devops, and security news of the day. There is a special open source twist to the discussion often giving a unique perspective on any given topic.

About the Show

This is a wide ranging weekly show with lots of topics that are directly and indirectly relevant to Linux users. There’s lots of coverage of security flaws, backdoor problems, the importance of using 2 factor authentication, new technology without clear rules, and a real world view into how to secure our devices. Occasionally, shows include a guest speaker. Recent guests include Steve Mayzak talking about buyer training, and Rami Saas, the Chief Executive Officer of WhiteSource, an open source security and license compliance management platform.

There are show notes published on their website for each show, but they are fairly basic in detail, and don’t offer any timestamps.

About the Hosts

Kurt Seifried brings heaps of knowledge in information security, Linux and open source. He works for Red Hat Product Security and is also the Director of IT for the CloudSecurityAlliance. A member of the CVE Editorial Board and OVAL Board and active in SCAP he is also a founding member of the Distributed Weakness Filing Project, an OpenSource approach to CVE. Kurt hails from Canada.

Josh Bressers is the head of Product Security at Elastic, the company behind the Elastic Stack — that’s Elasticsearch. He contributes to a number of open source projects such as blockchain-elasticsearch.
LengthAbout 30 minutes
First Show6 September 2016
LicenseCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

What do we think of this podcast?
Content6 out of 10 rating
Conversational8 out of 10 rating
Engaging8 out of 10 rating
Verdict:Everyone should be concerned about security. This podcast is an eye-opener, particularly thought-provoking, a mine of useful information and opinion, with the hosts offering a pragmatic approach regarding security.

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