eye care

Safe Eyes – protect your eyes from eye strain

Many people who regularly use computers suffer from eye strain and fatigue. Looking at a monitor for a long time can strain your eyes or can make any other problems you are having with your eyes seem more apparent. There is also research to show that late-night exposure to bright lights can affect sleep quality. This can be mitigated by reducing blue-light exposure.

Some monitors offer various eye care technologies including flicker-free technology, and an ultra-low blue light filter with different filter settings. But even if your display offers eye care technology and it’s well designed e.g. offering hotkeys that let you easily adjust filter settings. there’s still a good case to use a software solution as well. This is because the software typically offers more flexibility, such as the ability to automatically adjust the backlight and screen temperature based on the ambient brightness in your surroundings, or on a time schedule.

There are lots of simple steps you can take to reduce eye strain and fatigue. These include adjusting the brightness, contrast settings, and text size displayed, as well as minimizing glare, and ensuring your room has proper lighting. Taking regular breaks is also very important. This is where Safe Eyes can help. It’s a clone of EyeElo, Windows proprietary software designed to protect your eyes.

Safe Eyes protect your eyes from eye strain using a simple and extensible break reminder. It’s designed to reduce and stop repetitive strain injury. It’s not just your eyes that need regular breaks.

The software is written in Python.


There’s unofficial packages available for most popular Linux distributions.

If you want to run Safe Eyes from its source, clone the project’s GitHub repository and run the Python program:

$ git clone https://github.com/slgobinath/SafeEyes.git
$ cd SafeEyes
$ python3 -m safeeyes

Safe Eyes starts with the system.

Next page: Page 2 – In Operation

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Settings
Page 4 – Breaks
Page 5 – Plugins
Page 6 – Summary

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