Annie is an open source video downloader. It’s written in the Go programming language. Here’s our verdict on this tool.
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The Linux Portal Site
Annie is an open source video downloader. It’s written in the Go programming language. Here’s our verdict on this tool.
Read moreFortran (Formula translation) is a multi-paradigm programming language invented by John Backus of IBM in the 1950s. Here’s our recommended tutorials.
Read moreF# (pronounced F sharp) is a general purpose, strongly typed, multi-paradigm programming language that encompasses functional, imperative, and object-oriented programming methods. Here’s our recommended free F# books.
Read moreMark Text is billed as a simple and elegant open-source markdown editor that focuses on speed and usability.
Read moreLaTeX is a professional document preparation system and document markup language written by Leslie Lamport. It’s a very mature system with development starting more than 30 years ago. Here’s our recommended tutorials to learn LaTeX.
Read moreJavaScript is an interpreted, prototype-based, scripting computer programming language. Here’s our recommended tutorials to learn JavaScript.
Read moreJava is designed to be simple enough that many programmers can quickly become proficient in the language. It’s one of the most popular programming languages especially for client-server web applications. Here’s our recommended tutorials to learn Java.
Read moreVimL is a powerful scripting language of the Vim editor. You can use this dynamic, imperative language to design new tools, automate tasks, and more. Here’s some helpful guides to help you master VimL
Read moreXML is a set of rules for defining semantic tags that describe the structure and meaning of a document. Here’s our recommended free XML books.
Read moreBoxes is a text filter which can draw ASCII art boxes around its input text. It can spice up news posting, emails, documenting files, and much more.
Read moreNyxt is a keyboard-oriented, extensible web-browser designed for power users.
Read moreProlog is a general purpose, declarative, logic programming language, often associated with artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, intelligent database retrieval, and problem solving. Read about our recommended free Prolog books.
Read moreCOBOL is an acronym which stands for Common Business-Oriented Language. The US Department of Defense, in a conference, formed CODASYL (Conference on Data Systems Language) to develop a language for meeting business data processing needs which is now known as
Read moredutree is a command line tool to analyze disk usage. It’s written in the Rust programming language. It’s free and open source software. How does it compare to other disk usage analyzers?
Read morexcowsay is a tiny utility that displays a cow with a speech bubble containing some text. It’s free and open source goodness.
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