
SpMp – YouTube music client with a focus on customization

If you frequently listen to music with YouTube, you may prefer a dedicated YouTube music player on your desktop.

We recently reviewed AudioTube, software which lets us search and listen to YouTube Music without needing a web browser. LinuxLinks was emailed by Dan Nowak who suggested we look at an alternative, SpMp. Thanks Dan for your suggestion.

Like AudioTube, SpMp is a free and open source YouTube music client. It focuses on customization of colours and song metadata.


We evaluated SpMp using Manjaro, an Arch-based distro, as well as the ubiquitous Ubuntu.

With Manjaro, Pamac (Manjaro’s front-end installation tool) lets us install SpMp from a Flatpak. And there’s also a package in the Arch User Repository. We went with the Flatpak.

Installing SpMp

Flatpak is not our preferred method of installation, but it makes the process very simple, and it’s distro-agnostic.

SpMp is cross-platform software. Besides Linux and Android, it runs under Windows. We only tested the software under Linux.

Next page: Page 2 – In Operation and Summary

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction and Installation
Page 2 – In Operation and Summary

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