Gnofract 4D is a GNOME-based, free, open source program which allows users to create beautiful images called fractals.
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Gnofract 4D is a GNOME-based, free, open source program which allows users to create beautiful images called fractals.
Read moreXaoS is an interactive fractal zoomer. It allows the user to continuously to zoom in or out of a fractal in a fluid, continuous motion.
Read moreFraqtive is a program for drawing Mandelbrot and Julia fractals.It uses a very fast algorithm and generates high quality, smooth images.
Read moreElectric Sheep is an Internet server and xscreensaver module that displays MPEG video of an animated fractal flame.
Read moreSU2 is a suite of tools for the numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDE) and performing PDE constrained optimization.
Read moreHerwig is a multi-purpose particle physics event generator.
Read moreRivet is a system for preservation of particle-collider analysis logic, analysis reinterpretation via MC simulations.
Read moreHepMC3 is a new version of the HepMC event record. It uses shared pointers for in-memory navigation and the POD concept for persistency.
Read moreOpenFOAM is a free and open source library of C++ routines which facilitate the numerical solution of partial differential equations.
Read moreGeant4 (for GEometry ANd Tracking) is a toolkit for “the simulation of the passage of particles through matter,” using Monte Carlo methods.
Read morePYTHIA is a free and open source program for the generation of high-energy physics events. It’s largely based on original research.
Read moreStep is a free and open source interactive physics simulator.With Step you can not only learn but feel how physics works.
Read moreAdvanced Simulation Library is a hardware accelerated multiphysics simulation platform. It also solves Partial Differential Equations.
Read moreFastJet is a C++ package that provides a broad range of jet finding and analysis tools.
Read moreLHAPDF is a general purpose C++ interpolator, used for evaluating PDFs from discretised data files.
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