The Commodore 64 (C64) is an 8-bit home computer released in 1982. The $595 (£399) device took its name from its US maker, Commodore International, and the fact it had 64K of RAM.
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The Linux Portal Site
The Commodore 64 (C64) is an 8-bit home computer released in 1982. The $595 (£399) device took its name from its US maker, Commodore International, and the fact it had 64K of RAM.
Read moreNewsFlash is a program designed to complement an already existing web-based RSS reader account.
Read moreFree Internet Chess Server is a server for chess players to play against each other over the Internet.
Read moreThe tldr project is a collection of community-maintained help pages for command-line tools that aims to be a simpler, more approachable complement to traditional man pages.
Read moreComputer chess has been a phenomenal success, aiding chess analysis, and allowing players to play when no human opponents are available.
Read moreHaruna is a modern-looking QML-based front-end to mpv. Here’s our review. Haruna is free and open source software.
Read morevizex is a command line interface program that shows how much free disk space you have. vizex is free and open source software.
Read moreWe consider popular Windows proprietary software and recommend great open source replacements that run under Linux.
Read moreYouTube has over 2 billion monthly logged-in users with people watching over a billion hours of video a day. What open source alternatives are available?
Read moreLinux chess software generally is separated into a “front end” application and a “chess engine”. There is a wide range of chess-playing software for Linux which can defeat most master players under tournament conditions.
Read moreLucas Chess is a chess GUI. It lets you play against lots of chess engines and train to improve your game.
Read moreJune 2021 updates to the largest compilation of recommended free and open source software available for Linux.
Read moreduf is a simple disk usage utility that offers a more attractive representation than the classic df utility. It’s written in Go.
Read moreThe Atari ST was a line of personal computers from Atari Corporation. We recommend open source emulators for the Atari ST.
Read moreVideomass is a cross-platform GUI for FFmpeg and youtube-dl. Here’s our verdict on this open source program.
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