
DataExplore – free Python based data plotting and analysis software

DataExplore is an open source desktop application for data analysis and plotting intended for use in both research and education. It’s targeted at non-programmers who want to perform fairly advanced table manipulation methods. It also offers fast, dynamic plot creation from selected data suitable for publication. A variety of table analysis tools are provided.

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System Administration

Essential System Tools: BleachBit – open source system cleaning software

This is the sixth in our series of articles highlighting essential system tools. These are small utilities, useful for system administrators as well as regular users of Linux based systems. The series examines both graphical and text based open source utilities. We’re recommending a graphical utility that is excellent at giving your system a deep clean. It’s called BleachBit.

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System Administration

Essential System Tools: ps_mem – accurately report memory usage of programs

This is the first in a series of articles highlighting essential system tools. These are small utilities, useful for system administrators as well as regular users of Linux based systems. The series will examine both graphical and text based open source utilities. The first tool under the spotlight is ps_mem, a small utility that reliably reports how much memory is consumed by an application.

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googler: Google Web and Google News from the command-line

I love working with the command line. Seriously, I think there’s hardly anything more productive and versatile for a software developer than the terminal. Maybe it’s the hacker in me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a heavy user of graphical applications, but the terminal will always have a special place.

I’ve recently come across a command-line tool that’s right up my street. It’s called googler, an open source tool to Google from the command-line. It’s written in Python, so that ticks another box for me. googler isn’t affiliated to Google in any way.

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