KNotes is a program that lets you write the computer equivalent of sticky notes. KNotes is free and open source software.
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The Linux Portal Site
KNotes is a program that lets you write the computer equivalent of sticky notes. KNotes is free and open source software.
Read moreBasKet Note Pads is a KDE program for organizing, sharing, and taking notes. It can manage various types of information such as to-do lists and pictures.
Read moreKMail is an email client included with the KDE desktop. It is the email component of Kontact, a integrated personal information manager.
Read moreThe developers of Tomahawk bill their application as a music player that fundamentally changes the way music is consumed and shared.
Read moreElisa is a music player developed by the KDE community that strives to be simple and pleasant to use. Free and open source software.
Read moreTellico is an easy to use KDE application for organizing your collections. It provides default templates for books, bibliographies, videos.
Read moreKlipper is a clipboard manager. It stores a history of the clipboard contents and can automatically perform actions when certain items are selected.
Read moreTrojitá is a Qt-based email client that aims to be fast in operation and function over slow or high-latency networks. It’s desktop agnostic.
Read moreGoldenDict is a feature-rich dictionary lookup program which gives translations of words and phrases for different languages.
Read moreQTalarm is a simple alarm clock software. The software is written in the C++ programming language and uses Qt.
Read moreossimPlanet is an accurate 3D global geo-spatial viewer that is built on top of the OSSIM, OpenSceneGraph, and Qt libraries.
Read moreLibrePCB is an open source EDA application to develop printed circuit boards. The software uses the Qt widget toolkit.
Read moreKrecipes is the KDE Cookbook. It is a highly configurable open source recipe manager.
Read moreQBrew is an open source recipe calculator for homebrewed ales, lagers and stouts. It uses Qt for creating its graphical user interface.
Read moreBrewtarget is an application that helps users create and manage beer recipes. In essence this software is a beer calculator for brewing beer.
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