We’ve run through our statistics, and found our ten most well received posts/series that saw the highest page views for 2019.
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The Linux Portal Site
We’ve run through our statistics, and found our ten most well received posts/series that saw the highest page views for 2019.
Read moreIn this week’s blog, Luke puts a wide range of PDF viewers under the microscope on the Raspberry Pi 4. How do they compare to the pre-installed solutions offered by Raspbian?
Read moreThis week’s Raspberry Pi 4 blog focuses on excellent free and open source e-book software that runs on this single-board computer.
Read moreThis week I’m summarizing my experiences of another fundamental desktop activity: running an office suite.
Read moreLast week’s blog looked at whether the RPI4 cuts the mustard as a desktop web browser. It does although with a few reservations. This week’s blog focuses on another absolutely essential desktop activity. Managing your email.
Read moreThis week’s blog focuses on an absolutely essential desktop activity. Surfing the web. A web browser is the quintessential desktop application. Everyone needs one, and there is not a desktop Linux distribution around that does not make a web browser available.
Read moreThis is a weekly blog about the Raspberry Pi 4 (“RPI4”), the latest product in the popular Raspberry Pi range of computers. This week we look at video streaming on the RPI4.
Read moreThis is a weekly blog about the Raspberry Pi 4 (“RPI4”), the latest product in the popular Raspberry Pi range of computers. For this week, Luke surveys music players on the RPI4.
Read moreThis is a weekly blog where I share my experiences of using the Raspberry Pi 4 as a desktop replacement using free and open source software.
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