Blacklight is a multi-institutional collaboration building a better discovery platform framework.
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The Linux Portal Site
Blacklight is a multi-institutional collaboration building a better discovery platform framework.
Read moreRouge is a pure Ruby syntax highlighter. It can highlight over 200 different languages, and output HTML or ANSI 256-color text.
Read moreTimet is a command-line tool designed to track your activities by recording the time spent on each task.
Read moreInvestigate the best static site generators written in the Ruby programming language. They are all free and open source software.
Read moreColtrane is a music theory library with a command-line interface. It deals with all sorts of calculations around music theory.
Read morewebgen is a fast, powerful and extensible static website generator.
Read moreBeEF is pioneering techniques that provide penetration testers with practical client-side attack vectors.
Read moreWe recommend the best Application Servers for Ruby. All the software featured is free and open source goodness.
Read moreWhen it comes to web development, there are a fairly small range of Ruby frameworks to choose. The choice depends on finding the right tool for the job at hand.
Read moreGrape is a REST-like API framework for Ruby. It’s designed to run on Rack or complement existing web application frameworks
Read moreHanami is a modern web framework for Ruby.
Read moreUtopia is a website generation framework which provides a robust set of tools to build highly complex dynamic websites.
Read moreAwestruct is a framework for creating static HTML sites, inspired by the Jekyll utility in the same genre.
Read moreFat Free CRM is a Ruby on Rails-based customer relationship management platform.
Read moreFluentd collects events from various data sources and writes them to files, RDBMS, NoSQL, IaaS, SaaS, Hadoop and so on.
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