This roundup focuses on web servers that are designed for mostly static content.
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The Linux Portal Site
This roundup focuses on web servers that are designed for mostly static content.
Read moredarkhttpd is a simple, single-threaded, static content web server. It only serves static content.
Read moreminiserve is a small, self-contained cross-platform CLI tool that allows you to just grab the binary and serve some file(s) via HTTP.
Read morequark is an extremely small and simple HTTP GET/HEAD-only web server for static content.
Read moreserve helps you serve a static site, single page application or just a static file (no matter if on your device or on the local network).
Read morewebfs is a simple http server for mostly static content. You can use it to serve the content of a ftp server via http for example.
Read moreStatic Web Server (or SWS abbreviated) is a tiny and fast production-ready web server suitable to serve static web files or assets.
Read morebinserve is a fast static web server with TLS (HTTPS), Routing, Hot Reloading, Caching, Templating, and Security i
Read moreCherokee is an innovative, feature rich, flexible and yet easy to configure, lightweight open source web server. It is implemented entirely in C.
Read moreNode.js is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications.
Read moreCaddy is a powerful, extensible web server to serve your sites, services, and apps. It offers automatic HTTPS.
Read moreHiawatha is a secure and advanced open source web server available for multiple platforms. It particularly focuses on security.
Read morelighttpd is a secure, fast, compliant and very flexible open source web server which has been optimized for speed-critical environments.
Read moreOriginally designed as a replacement for the NCSA HTTP Server, Apache has grown to be the most popular web server on the Internet.
Read morenginx is a lightweight, open-source, very powerful and efficient web server and reverse proxy. Uses a scalable event-driven architecture.
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