
Termgraph – draw basic graphs in the terminal

Last Updated on September 26, 2020

In Operation

Termgraph offers a variety of different graphs. Before you can create a graph, you’ll need to create a data file. For a simple barchart, create a plain text file with two columns, which can either be comma or space separated. The first column holds the labels, the second column hosts the numeric data. There’s a few examples in the project’s GitHub repository.

Bar Graphs

Here’s a simple bar graph generated with Termgraph. The image shows the command flags used together with the output.

termgraph - barchart

If you’re wondering why the bars are not solid white, that’s an effect caused by Hyper, an Electron-based terminal emulator.

Color charts

White on black looks rather basic. How about we add some color to the chart?

To generate a color chart, we need to include the --color flag.

termgraph - barchart in magenta

There’s a fairly limited range of colors available. We can choose from red, blue, green, magenta, yellow, black, and cyan.


Things get a bit more interesting with multi-variable datasets.

termgraph - multi-variable data

Stacked charts

One of our favorite charts is the stacked chart. Here’s an example.

termgraph - stacked chart
Click for full size image


We probably won’t use the calendar graph often, but it might be useful for some occasions.

termgraph - calendar


Add a bit of fun to charts with emojis.

termgraph - emoji

Next page: Page 3 – Summary

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Summary

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