
What’s New at LinuxLinks

Last Updated on March 27, 2020

This is our rolling monthly update on the latest developments at LinuxLinks.

June 2018

Data Science

Eilidih has written an excellent guide to the best open source data science notebooks, software that helps you create and share documents with live programming code, equations, visualizations, and explanatory text. Essential software for any data scientist.

New series

We’ve started a new feature showcasing the best open source document markup languages. We’ve kicked off the series with Markdown, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses, the best ways to learn the language, as well as identifying useful Markdown related software.


Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a general-purpose, modeling language designed to provide a standard way for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of distributed object systems. It’s the industry standard modeling language for software engineering. Read our recommended open source UML software.

Online Gaming

Take gaming to a new level with some no-charge VoIP applications. Read our recommended VoIP chat software for gamers.

Group Tests

We’ve updated our VoIP, Instant Messaging, Earth Science, Music Tag Editors, Astrology, Linux System Cleaning Tools, Calculators, Typing Tutors, Webcam, Console File Managers, ASCII Art Tools, and GPS Tools group pages.

Other pages that have been updated: Econometric Software, Astronomy, Astronomical Data Analysis Tools, Search Tools and Command Line Navigation Tools articles.

Big News

GitHub’s announcement that they are being acquired by Microsoft has caused consternation among open source developers. Check out our recommended alternatives to GitHub.

May 2018

New Editor

We welcome a new editor, Eilidih. She is an accomplished technical author and programmer. Having spent 5 years working for IBM on a variety of data science platforms, Eilidih now devotes her day to Python, R, and Java development, freelancing on innovative projects.

Eilidih has been very busy sharing her recommendations on awesome open source Python software. Links to the articles:

Group Tests

One of the cornerstones of LinuxLinks is our wide range of Group Tests where we recommend the finest Linux software covering hundreds of different categories. Almost all the software we recommend is released under an open source license.

We are busy working on updating the Group Tests. For example, we updated the e-book tools Group Test. Next month we’ll be updating scores more!

Links Directory

LinuxLinks started out as a links directory. We’ve added many new links this month and updated hundreds of entries. This is available at www.linuxlinks.com/links/. It offers a great way of finding Linux software and sites you’ve never heard of.

Sneak Preview

As a taster for next month, we’ll be publishing a Group Test exploring the finest open source interactive data science notebook software. A notebook integrates code and its output into a single document that combines visualisations, narrative text, mathematical equations, and other rich media. Stay tuned if you’re interested in data science.

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