Sound System

xfmpc – graphical GTK+ MPD client

In Operation

Here’s an image of xfmpc in action. The interface is functional. Add tracks to the playlist.

Xfmpc in action

This MPD client offers only very limited functionality. There’s repeat, random, single mode, and consume mode. Keyboard shortcuts have been implemented. There’s internationalization support.


xfmpc doesn’t have a maintainer. And it’s hard to recommend it when there are much better graphical MPD clients available.

ps_mem reports memory usage is around 17 MB. Factor in the footprint for mpd, you still have a music player that has a very light memory footprint. But then again, it’s really very basic.

Developer: Mike Massonnet, Vincent Legout
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

xfmpc is written in Vala. Learn Vala with our recommended free books and free tutorials.

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction and Installation
Page 2 – In Operation and Summary

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