XL Converter – easy-to-use image converter for modern formats


In this section we can downscale images with a variety of different modes.

We can choose to scale by resolution, percent, shortest side, longest side, or by file size.

There are many resamping options available: Lanczos, Point, Box, Cubic, Hermite, Gaussian, Catrom, Triangle, Quadratic, Mitchell, CubicSpline, Hamming, Parzen, Blackman, Kaiser, Welsh, Hanning, Bartlett, and Bohman.

XL Converter modify

There are a few other miscellaneous options.

We can preserve the date and time. And there are metadata handling options with ExifTool: Encoder – Wipe, Encoder – Preserve, ExifTool – Wipe, ExifTool – Preserve, ExifTool – Unsafe Wipe, and ExifTool – Custom.

Next page: Page 5 – Settings

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction and Installation
Page 2 – Input
Page 3 – Output
Page 4 – Modify
Page 5 – Settings
Page 6 – Summary

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