Monitor System

Zenith – turbo-charged top utility

The top utility needs little introduction to seasoned Linux users. top is a small utility that offers a dynamic real-time view of a running system. It allows users to monitor the processes that are running on a system.

top remains a useful utility. It helps with system administration by identifying users and processes that are hogging the system. It is also useful for non-system administrators, helping to track and kill errant processes. However, top is showing its age and there are a bunch of utilities that offer a more feature-laden and visually attractive alternative.

Zenith is software that’s similar to top but displays histograms, and a wealth of other information such as CPU, GPU, network, and disk usage. It’s cross-platform software running under Linux and macOS, and published under an open source license.


We evaluated Zenith using Manjaro, an Arch-based distro, as well as the ubiquitous Ubuntu 24.10 distro.

Under Manjaro, we can install Zenith using Pamac (Manjaro’s front-end installation tool). We can choose a package in the distro’s Official Repositories, or from the Arch User Repository (AUR), with both a binary and source package available. In this situation, we usually opt for the Official Repositories.

Installing Zenith using Pamac

The AUR is a community-driven repository. It contains package descriptions (PKGBUILDs) that allow users to compile a package from source with makepkg and then install it via the in-house pacman, a lightweight, simple and fast package manager that allows for continuously upgrading the entire system with one command

As the AUR is specific only to Arch and Arch-based distros, the AUR is not an installation option under Ubuntu. Instead, we installed the deb package available from the project’s GitHub repository using dpkg.

Installing Zenith in Ubuntu using dpkg

Next page: Page 2 – In Operation and Summary

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction and Installation
Page 2 – In Operation and Summary

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3 months ago

Another program written in Rust. Why is Rust so popular?