
Alternatives to popular CLI tools: bc

This article spotlights alternative tools to bc.

Man page for bc

The software featured here is free and open source. All tools provide a command-line interface (CLI) unless otherwise stated.

Alternatives to bc
cpcText calculator with support for units and conversion
evaSimple calculator REPL
bc-ghImplementation of Unix dc and POSIX bc with GNU and BSD extensions
bcalStorage expression calculator
fendArbitrary-precision unit-aware calculator
HypercalcInterpreted calculator program designed to calculate extremely large numbers
Have we missed any open source alternatives to bc? Please let us know!
Any other open source alternatives to bc?x

For more feature-laden calculators, we’ve compiled the best terminal-based Linux calculators.

All the CLI tools in this series.

Alternatives to CLI tools
age // awk // bc // cal // cat // cd // chmod // cksum // cloc // cmp // compress // cp // cron // curl // cut // date // dd // df // diff // dig // du // fdisk // find // ftp // grep // gzip // hexdump // history // jq // kill // less // locate // ls // lsof // make // man // more // mv / ping // ps // psql // rename // rm // sed // split // ssh // strings // sudo // sysctl // tail // talk // tar // telnet // time // top // touch // traceroute // tree // uname // uniq // uptime // vi // watch // Wget // who // whois // xargs

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1 year ago
Have we missed any open source alternatives to bc? Please let us know!" Read more »

bcal has a bc mode for general-purpose numerical calculations.

1 year ago
Have we missed any open source alternatives to bc? Please let us know!" Read more »

fend is another arbitrary-precision calculator. It’s got good support for complex numbers, trig, and has an Emacs-style CLI shortcuts.

1 year ago
Have we missed any open source alternatives to bc? Please let us know!" Read more »

You could add HyperCalc