
Alternatives to popular CLI tools: history

Last Updated on June 4, 2023

This article spotlights alternative tools to history.

history command

The software featured here is free and open source. All tools provide a command-line interface (CLI) unless otherwise stated.

Alternatives to history
McFlyExcellent replacement for Bash’s ctrl-r functionality
AtuinReplaces your existing shell history with a SQLite database
HSTRBash and zsh shell history suggest box
Have we missed any open source alternatives to history? Please let us know!
Other alternative tools to history?x

All the CLI tools in this series.

Alternatives to CLI tools
age // awk // bc // cal // cat // cd // chmod // cksum // cloc // cmp // compress // cp // cron // curl // cut // date // dd // df // diff // dig // du // fdisk // find // ftp // grep // gzip // hexdump // history // jq // kill // less // locate // ls // lsof // make // man // more // mv / ping // ps // psql // rename // rm // sed // split // ssh // strings // sudo // sysctl // tail // talk // tar // telnet // time // top // touch // traceroute // tree // uname // uniq // uptime // vi // watch // Wget // who // whois // xargs

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