
Alternatives to popular CLI tools: tail

This article spotlights alternative tools to tail.

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tail alternatives
ovFeature rich terminal pager
MultiTailMonitor logfiles and command output in multiple windows
lessA popular pager
colortailLike the tail command line utility but with colors
inotailinotify-based implementation of tail
ptailA dynamic tail
retailThe tail command with regular expressions
btailInteractive file tail viewer
Have we missed any open source alternatives to tail? Please let us know!
Other alternative tools to time?x

All the CLI tools in this series.

Alternatives to CLI tools
age // awk // bc // cal // cat // cd // chmod // cksum // cloc // cmp // compress // cp // cron // curl // cut // date // dd // df // diff // dig // du // fdisk // find // ftp // grep // gzip // hexdump // history // jq // kill // less // locate // ls // lsof // make // man // more // mv / ping // ps // psql // rename // rm // sed // split // ssh // strings // sudo // sysctl // tail // talk // tar // telnet // time // top // touch // traceroute // tree // uname // uniq // uptime // vi // watch // Wget // who // whois // xargs

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1 day ago

try to add screenshots of the alternatives that show at least some features.