Music Players

Sayonara Player – small, clear and fast audio player

Last Updated on May 29, 2021

Memory Consumption

ps_mem is a small utility that reliably reports how much memory is consumed by an application. It’s a very handy open source utility. It interrogates the kernel to obtain the memory information, outputting the information in a clean and uncluttered way.

Here’s a chart showing how Sayonara’s memory footprint compares with other open source music players. As you can see Sayonara is pretty frugal with your memory. It certainly warrants being called a lightweight music player.

Sayonara: Memory Comparison

Next page: Page 9 – Preferences

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Playlists
Page 4 – Gapless playback
Page 5 – Internet
Page 6 – Frippery
Page 7 – Other Features
Page 8 – Memory usage
Page 9 – Preferences
Page 10 – Summary

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